History Of Flutter

Yetesfa Alemayehu
4 min readApr 13, 2022


At the end of 2018 a new technology was born: “Flutter” in version 1.0, a new developer-friendly Framework , open source toolkit ,UI toolkit for building beautiful, natively compiled applications for mobile, web, desktop, and embedded devices from a single codebase.

Short History

Flutter 2 released on March 3 2021 brought official support for web-based applications with new CanvasKit renderer and web specific widgets, early-access desktop application support for Windows, macOS, and Linux and improved Add-to-App APIs.

In a world where internet-connected devices are pervading every area of our lives. Many of us transition throughout the day between multiple devices: phones, watches and other wearable devices, tablets, desktop or laptop computers, televisions and increasingly, smart displays .

In this emerging world, the focus starts to move away from any individual device towards an environment where your services and software are available wherever you need them. This is called ambient computing, and it’s core to the vision for Flutter: a portable toolkit for building beautiful experiences wherever you might want to paint pixels on the screen.

Advantages of using Flutter ?

As you know talented software development teams like Omnisource deploys and best building frameworks like Flutter could rapidly create operational efficiency and reduce costs for companies. For now let’s see the top points why we are suggesting you to use flutter:

Getting started with Flutter is easy

As an employee or freelance developer creating your development environment is the first task that every developer has to go through when starting with a new platform. In some ways, the ease in which you can go from nothing to building software can be seen as a litmus test for how your experience with the platform is going to be. If the environment is difficult and painful to set up, then it might be very likely that it will be difficult and painful to work with. The Flutter engineers have taken this to heart because getting started with Flutter is easier than with other frameworks.

open source

Flutter is an open-source code software development toolkit and It provides easy posting of issues and access to documentation from open developer forums.

Single Codebase

When you hire a Flutter app developer, you get the advantage of creating something that is highly adaptable. You can create applications for six different platforms simultaneously. This includes different operating systems like Android, iOS, macOS, Windows, Linux, and Web.so as outsourcing your development team Frees Up Time your time using flutter frees up developer time and mind.We believed then, as we do now, that talented teams working in a conducive environment can truly achieve great results.

Free to use Widgets

Flutter offers a myriad of widgets to help developers in their creation process. It makes designing a basic user interface much easier and faster.just visit https://pub.dev/ see if for yourself.

Fast Development

Hot Reload is a unique feature to Flutter, where developers can see changes made to code instantly. Any updates are available to both the designers and developers in a matter of seconds.This boosts the developer’s productivity and reduces the time to create a robust application. This saves up a lot of cost in the overall development of the project.

Expressive and Flexible UI

Quickly ship features with a focus on native end-user experiences. Layered architecture allows for full customization, which results in incredibly fast rendering and expressive and flexible designs.

Less testing

Normally testing would require checking on compatibility on different platforms. With Flutter, apps use a single code base with no change to run across different platforms. All one needs to do is to test a Flutter application just once and save a lot of time and money for the developer and the company.

Who is using Flutter ?


Flutter helps power an ever-growing number of Google Assistant apps.and Google Ads is also one of the apps built using flutter in google.


Flutter enabled BMW to build the My BMW app for iOS and Android from a single codebase. The app is fully developed in-house by BMW using Flutter.


Tencent uses Flutter throughout the company for several apps including AITeacher, Now Live, K12, Mr. Translator, QiDian, and DingDang.


Nubank is a Latin American neobank and the largest financial technology bank in Latin America.Flutter helped Nubank in its mission to end the complexity of traditional banks and put financial control back in the hands of the user.


The eBay Motors app is a powerful tool for browsing, buying, and selling vehicles directly from consumers’ phones built in flutter.


An award-winning mindfulness app built with Flutter. It was featured on the Apple App Store as ‘app of the day’.

As flutter is leading the mobile app development these days it hard to mention all the best apps on one blog if you like to see more fast and friendly flutter based apps visit https://flutter.dev/showcase


Finally if you want to develop an app within a short term. And If the app logic is frequently being changed. For example, when business requirements are dynamically adapting to the market.if you are looking for expressive and flexible UI , with less testing time and fast deployment time Go get started with flutter today on https://flutter.dev/docs/get-started/install .



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